Online sales for SOUTH AFRICA only. For international sales contact us directly.
All South African orders above R400 qualify for F R E E shipping.


Hi, and a very warm Welcome! I am Tyler, Chris and Sharon's (the company owners) daughter. I have grown up with the beans and must admit they are getting better every year!!! It has been really cool growing up in Beanland.

The Bean People® was started by two funky people by the names of Chris and Sharon. Their fun filling bath time surprise is meant to make you have a sizzling hot bath that you never want to get out of. With the wide range of fantastic products that bring you joy and happiness, here is a bit more about the staff of the job.

Chris & Shaz

Chris and Sharon are manager and manageress of this wacky business. Sharon does all the designing of the business (BY HAND!) and Chris does all the running of the business - what a cool job !

Geri & Jane

Jane and Geri do quite a heap of work. Jane makes sure everything is running according to plan while Geri does lots of odds and ends.

TuTu & Gcobisa

Tutu and Gogo run the factory and if it wasn't for them this fulfilling business wouldn't be here. Thank goodness for them for what would we have in our baths.

Debbie & Suzie

Suzie and Debbie run the colourful shops on Imhoff Farm. Suzie is a Packaging whizz ! Debs is our Cape Town Rep and does all the deliveries in the bean bakkie. That is how everyone notices us

Busi & Anthea

Busi and Anthea are the newest beans in Beanland Busi does all the dying and Anthea is our sprudel queen.

Joyce, The palms & Site 5 Crew

These fine people, and there are lots of them, load the magic in the beans, everything is done by hand.

This is my little brother Danny and my cousin Hannah. They are just mad about Bath Beans®!!

All Designs, Copyrights and Trademarks are the sole property of The Bean People®.